Graphic Design

Creativity, Quality and Collaboration

Our Creative Services Department excels at developing corporate presentation and communications tools that help its clients reach and influence their target audiences. Our creative services are differentiated by our commitment to:

Quality over quantity

Rather than creating avalanches of expensive printed materials that usually end up in trash bins, we take a practical, no-nonsense approach to develop only the printed materials and communications tools that its clients need. Our marketing materials are known for their compelling copy, creative designs and effectiveness.

Editorial and creative collaboration

Rather than functioning in separate silos, our in-house writers and graphic designers work closely with our clients and client services teams to deliver high-impact marketing materials.

Carrión Communications’s suite of creative services includes:

  • Branding and visual identity
  • Corporate presentation and collateral materials
  • Websites
  • Sales kits
  • Videos
  • PowerPoint and other visual presentations

As a full-service marketing-communications firm, we are ideally positioned to ensure our clients’ messages are consistently integrated across all touch-points. Our clients appreciate the value and cost-effectiveness of working with one firm that’s in touch with their needs and fully accountable to them, rather than dealing with several firms.