Digital Marketing

Our data-driven digital marketing and SEO strategies and techniques boost website traffic, drive new leads, raise brand visibility and provide the highest return on your digital investment.

Internet Marketing

As news coverage, keyword search results, online consumer reviews, and word-of-mouth recommendations have become stronger influencers than paid media, a solid Internet strategy centered on earned media rather than paid advertising isn’t a luxury – it’s an absolute must.

Carrión Communications experienced team provides clients with practical, strategic Internet marketing services that are designed to support their business goals and help position them for sustained growth.

Content Marketing

In an increasingly competitive media landscape, the way to stand out is by complementing your traditional PR and digital campaigns with content marketing. At Carrión Communications, we excel at creating and amplifying content to drive business to your website. Content comes in many forms – whether it’s a byline article, an interactive video or animated GIF. We work with you to create compelling content and to get it placed in top-tier online outlets.


B2C marketers are putting more budget toward content marketing. This year, they’re allocating 32% of their total marketing budget, on average, to content marketing (vs. 25% last year).

– Content Marketing Institute

86% of B2B marketers use content to attract and retain customers

– Content Marketing Institute